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hand turning a smart thermostat that is showing 73 degrees on the screen

Smart Thermostats

Work smarter, not harder, with thermostat technology!

Elevate Your Indoor Space With Intelligent Comfort

Customize Your Home’s Temperature With A Smart Thermostat

Nowadays, it’s difficult to find a consumer product that hasn’t been interpreted with “smart” technology in one way or another.

Lightbulbs, refrigerators, cell phones. These are a few of the products that have been highly altered thanks to the integration of AI. It can be difficult to separate the ones that are worth it from the ones that are a waste.

Explore the bright side of HVAC technology with Longacre Company as we shed light on smart solutions. Count on our team to guide you through the details and help you make informed decisions about what’s truly worthwhile.

What Makes A Smart Thermostat Smart

If you’ve never used one, it might be difficult to imagine how a smart thermostat can even be “smart.”

Smart thermostats achieve their intelligence through a combination of Wi-Fi connectivity and highly specified artificial intelligence programs.

This expanded connectivity and ability to gather data allows smart thermostat users to enjoy several convenient benefits.

A Smarter Way To Turn The Air On

One of the pieces of HVAC technology that has been inarguably improved with smart tech is the thermostat.

What was once a simple interface between humans and the HVAC system has evolved to become so much more. Installing a smart thermostat can benefit your life in several ways.

hand turning a smart thermostat that is showing 73 degrees on the screen

Energy Savings

When utilized properly, homeowners can save an average of eight percent every year on energy expenditures. Lower month-to-month utility bills can quickly add up to offset the initial cost of your smart thermostat installation.

Remote Connectivity

As long as there’s a stable internet connection on both sides, smart thermostats can enable remote access to your HVAC system from anywhere in the world.

Learning Capabilities

Thanks to specialized artificial intelligence, smart thermostats can learn from the habits and movements of your household. Your smart thermostat can create an ideal temperature schedule based on your lifestyle.

Geofencing Technology

With the inclusion of companion smartphone applications, smart thermostats can detect when you’re home to turn on and off accordingly.

Integration With Smart Home Systems

Most smart thermostats can integrate with other smart and AI-equipped technology. Take the first step to a truly seamless, technologically enhanced experience at home.

Energy Usage Insights

A smart thermostat can give homeowners real-time access to energy usage and other details regarding their HVAC system that isn’t available otherwise.

Maintenance Alerts

Similar to modern vehicles, smart thermostats can help make sure you keep up to date on your annual HVAC tune-ups through regular updates and reminders.

Environmental Impact

Smart thermostats not only enhance your daily convenience and comfort but also contribute to a healthier planet and a brighter future.

Every bit of saved energy counts towards reducing environmental impact. When properly utilized, these advanced devices become a key player in your efforts to save money and promote sustainable living.

Raise Your HVAC IQ With Longacre

Whether you’re in search of a new thermostat or a trusted partner for extensive commercial HVAC projects, your HVAC needs find the right home here with us.

With over a century of experience, providing stellar service has become a tradition for us at Longacre Company. Join our tradition of going far above and beyond to serve the heating and air needs of our customers.